
KEDGE Business School, France

Triple Crown Accredited B-School


In 2013, KEDGE was founded from the merger of two renowned business schools, well-established in their respective regions and already benefiting from international outreach: BEM (Bordeaux Management School) in Bordeaux founded in 1874 and EUROMED Management in Marseilles founded in 1872.

3 Campuses Across France


Vibrant Campus Life

galeri-universitas - 01697535654

Manifest KEDGE - Let's Be The Change

Undergraduate International Pathways

Dual Degree International BBA

2 Years in India & 2 Years in France
Undergraduate Pathway

Integrated BBA with Masters

3 Years in Mumbai, 1 Year in Bengaluru & 1 Year in France
Undergraduate to Postgraduate Pathway

Postgraduate International Pathways

International Masters

1 Year in India & 1 Year in France
Postgraduate to Postgraduate Pathway

Admissions Open For 2024

Seize the opportunity to shape your future with excellence – Admissions are now open for our diverse and dynamic undergraduate programs at Vijaybhoomi University for the academic year 2024

Student Life at KEDGE

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