Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma
Nature :- Nominee of SponsoringBody
Worked as Pro Chancellor / Founder Vice Chancellor and supervised establishment of SFU (Probably first Indian Liberal Professional University) targeting Formal Courses targeting 4th Industrial Revolutions, in Karajat, Maharashtra in a span less than 2 years.
As, Managing Director in Rajasthan Govt. Society & State PSU for almost 7 years have been responsible for supervision and execution of IT and e-Governance Projects, especially NeGD (Govt. of India) projects like SWAN, SDC, CSC, SSDG and CCC. Besides these various State Government projects were also supervised and got executed like e-Mitra, e-Health, e-Education, Smart Cop,etc. The organizations have registered remarkable growth during the tenure.
With working experience in Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Ahmadabad, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, Instrumentation Limited (Kota), Toshiba Corporation (Japan), Rajasthan State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited (RIICO),Jaipur, RajCOMP, Jaipur and RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. (RISL), Jaipur.
Widely travelled to many countries like Germany, Israel, Poland, Srilanka, Taiwan, Japan, USA Singapore. Also have led a Joint Working Group (JWG) for Electronics and IT in Japan. Has been part of JWG, GoI.
Associated with organizations/Bodies/ Ministries as a member of the Advisory Board/Selection Committee/ Steering Committee etc.
An Engineering Graduate in Computer Science from MNNIT (Formerly MNREC) Allahabad, M.Tech in Computer Science from BIT Ranchi, Ph.D in e-Governance from Poddar Institute of Management, University of Rajasthan, PG Diploma in Management (Executive) from IMT, Ghaziabad.